T45 transmission
T45 transmission

The ZIS-16 (which came from a bus of the same name) was chosen as the new engine. Popov, who also evacuated to Sverdlovsk, was the senior designer of the T-40 amphibious light tank.

t45 transmission

Department #22 worked on many tank projects and N.A. The design bureau was mostly made up of engineers who worked for Department #22 until their evacuation to Sverdlovsk.

t45 transmission

Popov, later tasked with designing the new vehicle. This sparked the theoretical idea of adding a ZIS-5 and/or ZIS-16 engine to T-60s produced by Factory #37, its design bureau, headed by N.A. The Gorky Automobile Plant (now known as GAZ) sent less engines than what was needed in the 1st quarter of 1942. They lacked GAZ-202 engines for their T-60s. Another issue became apparent: engines became a problem at Factory #37. This was an apparent issue from Mato late August, 1942. The NKTP found that Factory #37, based in Sverdlovsk, Ukraine, was unable to completely master T-70 production. However, there was no competition between the two, and the order to switch to T-70 production reduced the T-45 to a footnote in AFV history. While the T-45 didn’t have any glaring deficiencies and was superior to the T-60, it was nevertheless inferior to the T-70 in a number of aspects. It was based on the lesser T-60, but with a new gun, turret and engine. The T-45 was a Soviet WWII light tank project, meant as a stop-gap measure until the T-70 could enter production. None whatsoever as this is a premium tank.


With only a Commander and Driver the T-45 is crew-compatible with the MS-1, T-60, and T-70. However its weak spots are large including the middle commander plate and the lower glacis (however they are 10mm thicker than the upper glacis) and it is difficult to snipe due to its lousy accuracy and aiming time. Himmelsdorf is an excellent example of this where this tank can prove its worth. Your gun is adequate and will do the job without problems the majority of the time, however it's not always a reliable tool: it's not as accurate as other Tier II lights (its soft stats are even worse than that of the MS-1 a tier lower) so it's best to have cover or find a hull-down position to exploit your 51mm of frontal turret armor, and your armor will be at worst a 50-50 chance of being penetrated as you are constantly penetrating their armor. You will often bounce shells off of your heavily sloped upper plate and thick frontal turret armor, even if not angled, but even your sloped armor can't withstand heavier Tier II-III guns like that of the LTP and T-127, so be careful if you face TD's and tanks at Tier III.

t45 transmission

You can use the T-45 as a flanker but choose your targets wisely - a good amount of your adversaries will be able to outmaneuver you. But it neglects alpha damage in return and so the T-45 will need to expose itself for a longer period of time to cause the same amount of damage as a TD. Its 45mm 20KL cannon, which bears striking similarities to the gun of the MS-1 - which is also mounted on the other Tier III and IV Russian premium lights - possesses a decent penetration value and thus can damage most enemies frontally, including the heavily-armored LTP, BT-SV, and T-127 with relative ease. Its decent top speed, acceptable gun and fast traverse speed can outmatch a lot of its Tier II light counterparts. The T-45 is a Tier II premium Russian light tank that performs very similarly to the T-60, its normal Russian counterpart. Side armor often penetrated when angling (due to 3x calibre overmatch) Huge weak spots which can deface its ability to tank Relatively sluggish compared to counterparts Two crew members, can get knocked out somewhat easily 60mm effective upper plate and 51mm effective turret front

T45 transmission